vendredi 18 octobre 2019

live's bootleg's pop new wave a go go ffla is love cccooooooolll

Wasn't she just stunning?....

01/12/85 - Janice Long Session -!JNdzBQLa!6LeYMuaGA...oztGsFxazO_AEc
fizzing human bomb
numb companions

27/04/88 - Andy Kershaw Session -!IIVjUaAa!Fy0zEakYG...SHmSKXzWhB2AjE
up in arms
white knuckle ride
whistling for his love

17/06/87 - Inkstick Club, Tokyo -!RIUB0IDa!hvkal_qWs...J3LxxPQw5GlVeo
big hollow man
yummer yummer man
bed caves
where the flies are
up in arms
numb companions
sleep has no property
here come the harvest buns
fizzing human bomb
big hollow man
tower of lies

I've got 3 more Danielle Dax shows...if anyone wants them, let me know and i'll post 


Ok, as I didn't have a lot from these 2 classic venues, I decided to do a 2 for 1 and post bootlegs from both venues. Dingwalls had venues up and down the UK, but I've named the city the show was performed at.


A Flock Of Seagulls [London] - 11/12/82 -!sF1GnSTD!bNRA1cxJ-...pgFqDzeOpIPGfE
The Damned [Newcastle] - 22/03/83 -!RNlHSApL!gOgj-betD...7OhBfwSFjG7sFU
Fields of the Nephilim [London] - 04/02/86 -!cZ1y3YKA!_W7aMXRPZ...fmOUsKJeWuByNw
Newtown Neurotics [London] - 14/04/80 -!QdtEWAqB!zpc0OHrco...t1FiVGEk79MdGg
The Only Ones [London] - 18/12/80 -!BF1QQaoC!Z39oAzemC...ZPwdUPX__imyyE
The Sisters Of Mercy [Hull] - 01/07/83 -!9RkAUAyA!8z5J6F6ZP...7mLPvsqazaeqr4
UK Decay [London] - 11/02/81 -!IR8ECCKJ!uLXAw4QI5...hbVA4UADwTs1Ts

************************************************** ***********

The MUSIC MACHINE [London]….

Bauhaus - 18/01/80 -!sZsQVSZJ!nNzmEh6Ba...FvIfyaL_JtnTU8
Chelsea - 04/05/78 -!BB0CkC7Y!VA-ScmWo3...zmD_X7ojglR6CI
The Clash - 24/07/78 -!MU9ElIpR!3Aa_2Fxc5...FjVTwTyUqNQaLE
Dead Kennedys - 08/10/80 -!wF1AmIJD!zhwe0Glrj...ZCuIk9Ldbz2L5E
Discharge - 28/10/80 -!4J8GkCKD!t_N0XcG5j...CbmhFMJ5cCHxlw
The Meteors - 24/10/80 -!0J1RRQgA!CiNrnwNGc...1nGkHGfxgHWGn4
Siouxsie and the Banshees - 27/03/80 -!sEkVwYCS!m6dCoWN1W...VjaGRYQN0XGieg
Splodgenessabounds - 08/09/80 -!hEkhkSZC!SJrjDmApM...JKU30SliUYaWps
Tanz Der Youth - 10/08/78 -!ZB8H2C6Z!ZrKJQXajE...wqFmoiojqhfJL8
UK Subs - 08/08/80 -!0YsBwIhQ!YRkTZI79y...Oz-Bvrq46DR3WU

The Chameleons - Dingwalls London - 26-8-83!nUExBKwS!QI_25B1Q9...1caEnHD89wUhuA

The Clash



The Jam - 21-12-78!TAcTgSrL!leKkDLeI4...L6zoV1VZ4xMdrY

Ok, whereas normally I would invite people to upload onto my themed posts...on this occasion i'm making an exception...why?...cos it's Reading Festival and they'll literally put any old shit on. So, if you want to upload here...keep it tasteful...NO Nirvana, Heavy Metal, Wanky 'Pop-Punk' like Green Day, Blink 182, Offspring, Sum 41 etc..NO Oasis/Blur/Happy Mondays/James....NO Linkin Park, Chili Peppers...NO Springsteen or The Teletubbies....I am, however, keen to get my hands on the following...

sham 69 78
penetration 78
ultravox 78
the motors 78
motorhead 79 [I said no Metal, but this is an exception]
the police 79
ramones 79
the members 79
Thompson twins 81
the march violets 86
doctor and the medics 86
fields of the Nephilim 88
ramones 88
crazyhead 89 [although I think a mate has that]

************************************************** **********

28/08/87 - All About Eve -!hEVykASD!3b2WMh-Yl...bz8Lm_RNhvLvlw

25/08/96 - Audioweb -!0FNwyAZZ!iqvHiGAxG...lsqDIz8zcCFQSk

25/08/90 - Buzzcocks -!0BV0RaKT!7QhVVL9m5...owZ7Sy2ZamJcsU

24/08/79 - The Cure -!tJMknCQZ!lNf_gF9EI...5EbBsBOiBftCvM

27/08/99 - Elastica -!oEUmTIrJ!fXD53eso7...6XEwf-asHZBq7s

28/08/87 - Fields of the Nephilim -!NUdy1QLI!6e6XnNnAU...ZGBODD4W7OBVV0

26/08/88 - Ghost Dance -!wAMmBCAZ!JVRMUh59Q...WQ859YARQJG40g

22/08/86 - Killing Joke -!ABEWyKIb!NEf7FuT3w...g4Y5I5aeR71Ve0

24/08/86 - Lords of the New Church -!hN9imKDD!KAxUz4nXS...IGNpRUI4YkHyz0

28/08/87 - The Mission -!ZMlmhSKa!XkXu5BhK2...SRb0sRIDeR3K3k

28/08/92 - PiL -!8IsS2A5A!wkxQ7_aAB...zj7lwlvk4UbEbg

24/08/79 - Punishment Of Luxury -!1YtQHSwQ!7feeh7Emo...tnfAiWBdMPqYk8

27/08/94 - Radiohead -!lE8Q0ATJ!mg2qF7GlE...WVXznx1CYRdqrU

23/08/96 - Rocket From The Crypt -!tY0WRYqR!xe9kUVlH4...woHIc4HZJXGhx8

28/08/93 - Siouxsie and the Banshees -!lY0A2AiZ!exfv3a8vh...gV3anwNAiSLjOg

25/08/91 - The Sisters Of Mercy -!wclGhabQ!BEhWdxhxl...VtbFUPIDglolew

26/08/83 - The Stranglers -!Fc0ilA5R!2e5ooi481...XjtE55nosfgfqk

30/08/87 - The Stranglers -!wdEmgSwQ!dWlkyLXsB...XaUWwTOBiH9CxE

27/08/77 - Ultravox -!ZNFQjQoD!fYEyjK4uz...kqj5R55gNtUG0I

The Jam - 25-8-78

Radiohead - 30-8-2009 -

The Cure - 24-8-2012

Motorhead- 8/24/79!NcBTESCD!MuFPtNRMy...AUXLcdgNsu1HME

Motorhead- 8/24/79!NcBTESCD!MuFPtNRMy...AUXLcdgNsu1HME

random Machine Head Shows

67 shows ending 2010...many lowwer bite rate....sorry

Live from The Marquee Club, London

Another club I didn't realise I had so many shows from...this time The Marquee. Originally situated on Oxford Street before moving a short walk away to Wardour Street. In 1988, the venue moved again, this time to Charing Cross Road. I couldn't tell you whether the club is still active today or not though. The Sex Pistols, although they never played in the venue, they did make their God Save The Queen video there in 1977. Feel free to add on to this post. Some of these may well be active in some of my other posts.

[i'm looking for The Damned Marquee show 1982]

The Adverts - 27/07/78 -!5B0ACAZA!y8Uq7gBvf...w6W-b6vpe_CDHQ

All About Eve - 19/10/88 -!tdlgTQqY!iHmB8ktC7...U4BLn2rsbYKcQ8

All About Eve - 18/09/92 -!xU0iBCjR!MoVQmlbgu...ZC12A6uxwVzkb4

The Associates - 20/11/80 -!MM0yGYYZ!fEVKrMREF...QqdEKe4AT7IBW4

Athletico Spizz 80 - 06/08/80 -!gcF2yY4J!Ovq-sPqw_...6sWAQGZO8yg3wE

Bad News - 17/12/88 -!gN0yFKRR!b4cflDmLo...IsCL29Lmm9O_bk

The Belle Stars - 11/06/84 -!cB92SA7Y!C_vaqfe5z...rvxEtLJdzbjJis

Chelsea - 07/09/81 [cheers PodPunk] -!tF9U3YBb!RtRrg4SJZ...emS28VzMZJmA2s

Children On Stun - 23/03/94 -!ZB8CTC5a!zec8wwC4c...0EY1JVnh0vjosE

The Cure - 11/03/79 -!UZtW0QDD!oPMFnHwvC...w9ySuVGE84iNWI

Faith No More - 06/02/88 -!tY8W1aLT!6IjvDU-vs...NNh768hKtm4-ww

Fields of the Nephilim - 20/12/86 -!xNsSiaKZ!SQqZokzDB...xUzvo8UBekxcSM

Johnny Moped - 07/07/77 -!8R1W2Y6S!nzqVIQc_F...KANZ0YWQgw-_hE

Lords of the New Church - 08/01/84 -!MY1XxSBY!Qf11dkOTV...srjVzi11dXPJAE

Ruts DC - 27/02/81 -!YNthlaAD!AOMNT-mcT...fqb8H1Xte21mZo

Ruts - 29/09/79 -!MR1hgajZ!mmCjl7u5Y...oZRA8vVjebfzWc

Skids - 01/11/78 -!ANF21SpQ!cfMTXWlgd...GYi7alR5PmQj40

Skrewdriver - 15/06/77 -!RRkBHALA!W6pzHNPL2...EhWt60JSQybOsc

Soup Dragons - 24/04/91 -!tRt3zaTK!AP3wr13cs...aG1R_QX35AIM3g

Toyah - 21/12/83 -!FFsnxa4a!156BzBqv5...mrlGkNGPrRvoNI

Toyah - 28/05/94 -!pFtTUYpI!hNRNJGBKy...I9hHrT7wiVLgNw

UK Subs - 18/11/80 -!ZRknEaAa!wsbEIqbnK...dBKJ23aLrKh25o

Ultravox - 26/12/78 -!td0XSQrL!5uouiCj_3...VnJND56BD24tyE

The Vibrators - 30/07/77 -!gNkVxarQ!EIiN4Ef91...EtwY3IqKFLHWPM

Wasted Youth [uk] - 22/09/80 -!lFtX2ITR!ufAMjWAGG...xTyAenA_xWZYJc

…..23 from the Electric Ballroom, London tomorrow...including...Angelic Upstarts, Dexys, Elastica, Ghost Dance, The only Ones..

Adam and the Ants 

The Jam 

LIVE from the Lyceum Ballroom, London

Crikey!!! these venue-themed posts are getting bigger each time. I never realised I had so many Lyceum shows...this is quite a varied mix for you all...surely something for most people. The Damned and Charge july 81 shows were the same night. The Only Ones 1981 was their last ever show. The Killing Joke and Joy Division February 80 shows were the same night. The Bauhaus 82 show has the live onstage interview with the band and the NME...bit of a 'car crash' if you ask me. The Cult show is NOT the official Dreamtime live album.

999 - 17/09/80 -!kQdRGYqC!OgfxpT738..._5jjBP52uWO9H8

The Adicts - 04/03/82 -!RMdlGCSQ!yYcVYSJoQ...wXxFUViRCpzMAQ

Anti Pasti - 26/05/81 -!tEF3ESoR!p2PlPUfxS...ZAez11psXJFhPw

Anti Nowhere League - 04/10/81 -!wQUjmIpY!YmdEjcmae...dWD4_IaOuTD3eo

Anti Nowhere League - 29/08/82 -!kUVT1YJZ!eyEaqdfVc...qU3Pg7CqboqBm0

Bauhaus - 10/04/80 -!pcMXASSY!byb-tCrfT...O38YHZu40gGBmw

Bauhaus - 14/10/82 -!pcdDTCiL!o9qHa5EDU...dEU4B7c7JV49gM

Blitz - 01/04/82 -!AAcnVAzL!PetFr2ogU...gZRRFIZcoybnso

Blondie - 21/11/98 -!oIcBQQra!_4MsNrDcJ...rXAkp3vcdqVqM4

Buzzcocks - 10/03/78 -!oUEFTILA!oK0nNV7nH...1SgbPUXk1F2sus

Charge - 12/07/81 -!oRUj2S7T!enaryLc3i...CeiWPre_zn-cYc

Chelsea - 02/02/83 -!5VU1SIBB!iW_chNGVX...CC-JCNc-ppIwIY

The Clash - 21/10/81 -!UJdmxITb!XRLi2vhou...-7LBmC_MbK4zxw

The Clash - 22/10/81 -!VYsVSYCb!5Q7VROMaq...l6sQHdWsvWEQ7k

The Cult - 25/11/84 -!9NEl0IJJ!QMrz6I1Vk..._3qQxKfQdIMBsY

The Cure - 01/07/79 -!1ZFHQISR!0k9lzwa3Q...KZyMUoNB9hJ93U

The Damned - 06/12/81 -!EZNzgQSQ!qnUzlw7Gi...S9PZjhKlHKpYAc

The Damned - 12/07/81 -!tIFznIJT!LTEl9gbpf...QV-WcPutTBZ1pI

The Damned - 28/03/82 -!QJUzUaLQ!VbUXsNLSp...CQuj3vn1vPWm70

The Danse Society - 12/12/82 -!tFs10I4Q!zgbcdIS8z...q-LhHH8FRFAn04

Discharge - 24/05/81 -!JIUSRAxA!mojm_8uTJ...ypCD2oIyi8AGr8

Iggy Pop - 13/05/79 -!AJVFnCjT!s3mThOzKU...i6cznkNp6mZeRw

Joy Division - 29/02/80 -!BQFn1SrJ!yKfZ2xbS9...9tZDXUiUAe_tx8

Killing Joke - 29/02/80 -!oQkhAKBa!LxXA-P1I_...M8IqjZxxIQA9NE

The Lurkers - 24/06/79 -!xJcUGYTR!Ob4KfNjXW...qeK13WYKXI-YlQ

Madness - 21/12/83 -!FJEwACKB!Qmjvl2mgD...N2me4LnMDlAORo

Magazine - 30/07/78 -!cZlhwIyR!LnkDVe7MT...oC6cflneSETOpc

The Marine Girls - 31/03/83 -!xYlDVAxT!YfqHKKM4r...rA5vmjK8ozuaE8

The Only Ones - 24/02/80 -!pB11TQAZ!yAya2KWjh...CYmvt-09XQxVi4

The Only Ones - 08/03/81 -!dZU0hSCY!xLnA9__Rb...7NahHl9LXmbvvI

Pauline Murray - 09/10/80 -!dJUBiI7T!-JQ-rrKWt...QgK6NfwaDDUrGw

Ramones - 25/02/85 -!8NN1WKLZ!RvXfaSaf8...9tvqHO-cs3vteA

Sex Gang Children - 15/05/83 -!EQtVDCLJ!HIIVtauhd...iV6-RD4Tae2xDo

Simple Minds - 26/10/80 -!dMFRAQZL!Tm1sM2fVa...qpTOkt98lkbtqI

The Sisters Of Mercy - 24/02/83 -!4NUF0QJK!4p99m3wja...od30PfZrrE7eqA

The Sisters Of Mercy - 25/03/85 -!gAUxGaaD!6rF4ZjHeS...PiU8_xdwOV0dqo

Spear Of Destiny - 22/12/85 -!NQFhWCRY!cp2u-Tomv...2T1Ac8tbbBqPM8

The Specials - 02/12/79 -!4BUWBIQR!dMmosjBPz...Cp4cjMFYQqek9s

The Stranglers - 27/07/80 -!EME21aDK!TL9iF65A_...eumhtXgFmqpiCI

Theatre Of Hate - 14/06/81 -!IIdQWKCD!utwyqOoMt...mFTiXuxffBZlc0

Toyah - 15/06/80 -!IcMnxCKL!goHejv3L2...L_XErR0ar6ugwI

Toyah - 06/12/82 -!IUV23a7D!gj20lf-z1...IBp5nl59vK8hCY

Vice Squad - 05/07/81 -!EBVW0QgR!04k9hSXrQ...SHcfs99HQr6-a8

***does anybody have anything interesting from the Lyceum they could post here....i'm quite keen to get the following from 1980....

The Cramps
Wasted Youth
Psychedelic Furs

LIVE from the Lyceum Ballroom, London

Crikey!!! these venue-themed posts are getting bigger each time. I never realised I had so many Lyceum shows...this is quite a varied mix for you all...surely something for most people. The Damned and Charge july 81 shows were the same night. The Only Ones 1981 was their last ever show. The Killing Joke and Joy Division February 80 shows were the same night. The Bauhaus 82 show has the live onstage interview with the band and the NME...bit of a 'car crash' if you ask me. The Cult show is NOT the official Dreamtime live album.

999 - 17/09/80 -!kQdRGYqC!OgfxpT738..._5jjBP52uWO9H8

The Adicts - 04/03/82 -!RMdlGCSQ!yYcVYSJoQ...wXxFUViRCpzMAQ

Anti Pasti - 26/05/81 -!tEF3ESoR!p2PlPUfxS...ZAez11psXJFhPw

Anti Nowhere League - 04/10/81 -!wQUjmIpY!YmdEjcmae...dWD4_IaOuTD3eo

Anti Nowhere League - 29/08/82 -!kUVT1YJZ!eyEaqdfVc...qU3Pg7CqboqBm0

Bauhaus - 10/04/80 -!pcMXASSY!byb-tCrfT...O38YHZu40gGBmw

Bauhaus - 14/10/82 -!pcdDTCiL!o9qHa5EDU...dEU4B7c7JV49gM

Blitz - 01/04/82 -!AAcnVAzL!PetFr2ogU...gZRRFIZcoybnso

Blondie - 21/11/98 -!oIcBQQra!_4MsNrDcJ...rXAkp3vcdqVqM4

Buzzcocks - 10/03/78 -!oUEFTILA!oK0nNV7nH...1SgbPUXk1F2sus

Charge - 12/07/81 -!oRUj2S7T!enaryLc3i...CeiWPre_zn-cYc

Chelsea - 02/02/83 -!5VU1SIBB!iW_chNGVX...CC-JCNc-ppIwIY

The Clash - 21/10/81 -!UJdmxITb!XRLi2vhou...-7LBmC_MbK4zxw

The Clash - 22/10/81 -!VYsVSYCb!5Q7VROMaq...l6sQHdWsvWEQ7k

The Cult - 25/11/84 -!9NEl0IJJ!QMrz6I1Vk..._3qQxKfQdIMBsY

The Cure - 01/07/79 -!1ZFHQISR!0k9lzwa3Q...KZyMUoNB9hJ93U

The Damned - 06/12/81 -!EZNzgQSQ!qnUzlw7Gi...S9PZjhKlHKpYAc

The Damned - 12/07/81 -!tIFznIJT!LTEl9gbpf...QV-WcPutTBZ1pI

The Damned - 28/03/82 -!QJUzUaLQ!VbUXsNLSp...CQuj3vn1vPWm70

The Danse Society - 12/12/82 -!tFs10I4Q!zgbcdIS8z...q-LhHH8FRFAn04

Discharge - 24/05/81 -!JIUSRAxA!mojm_8uTJ...ypCD2oIyi8AGr8

Iggy Pop - 13/05/79 -!AJVFnCjT!s3mThOzKU...i6cznkNp6mZeRw

Joy Division - 29/02/80 -!BQFn1SrJ!yKfZ2xbS9...9tZDXUiUAe_tx8

Killing Joke - 29/02/80 -!oQkhAKBa!LxXA-P1I_...M8IqjZxxIQA9NE

The Lurkers - 24/06/79 -!xJcUGYTR!Ob4KfNjXW...qeK13WYKXI-YlQ

Madness - 21/12/83 -!FJEwACKB!Qmjvl2mgD...N2me4LnMDlAORo

Magazine - 30/07/78 -!cZlhwIyR!LnkDVe7MT...oC6cflneSETOpc

The Marine Girls - 31/03/83 -!xYlDVAxT!YfqHKKM4r...rA5vmjK8ozuaE8

The Only Ones - 24/02/80 -!pB11TQAZ!yAya2KWjh...CYmvt-09XQxVi4

The Only Ones - 08/03/81 -!dZU0hSCY!xLnA9__Rb...7NahHl9LXmbvvI

Pauline Murray - 09/10/80 -!dJUBiI7T!-JQ-rrKWt...QgK6NfwaDDUrGw

Ramones - 25/02/85 -!8NN1WKLZ!RvXfaSaf8...9tvqHO-cs3vteA

Sex Gang Children - 15/05/83 -!EQtVDCLJ!HIIVtauhd...iV6-RD4Tae2xDo

Simple Minds - 26/10/80 -!dMFRAQZL!Tm1sM2fVa...qpTOkt98lkbtqI

The Sisters Of Mercy - 24/02/83 -!4NUF0QJK!4p99m3wja...od30PfZrrE7eqA

The Sisters Of Mercy - 25/03/85 -!gAUxGaaD!6rF4ZjHeS...PiU8_xdwOV0dqo

Spear Of Destiny - 22/12/85 -!NQFhWCRY!cp2u-Tomv...2T1Ac8tbbBqPM8

The Specials - 02/12/79 -!4BUWBIQR!dMmosjBPz...Cp4cjMFYQqek9s

The Stranglers - 27/07/80 -!EME21aDK!TL9iF65A_...eumhtXgFmqpiCI

Theatre Of Hate - 14/06/81 -!IIdQWKCD!utwyqOoMt...mFTiXuxffBZlc0

Toyah - 15/06/80 -!IcMnxCKL!goHejv3L2...L_XErR0ar6ugwI

Toyah - 06/12/82 -!IUV23a7D!gj20lf-z1...IBp5nl59vK8hCY

Vice Squad - 05/07/81 -!EBVW0QgR!04k9hSXrQ...SHcfs99HQr6-a8

***does anybody have anything interesting from the Lyceum they could post here....i'm quite keen to get the following from 1980....

The Cramps
Wasted Youth
Psychedelic Furs

Motorhead 4/1/79:!FBp2HCTT!cn7y9GqWu...UE4QXVOtqWNiV0

here's one I missed on a usb…..

Killing Joke
Lyceum Ballroom
27th july 81!dR8wlI7D!Np01JYkAW...Ha755rLCGcEwSY

follow the leaders
fall of because
the wait
turn to red

The Clash


Adam and the Ants



Live from the Electric Ballroom, London

and ANOTHER venue-themed post...this time from the Camden-based Electric Ballroom. Mick Mercer supplied me with one of the Ants shows but I can't mind which...but cheers anyhoo Mick. There's one or two of these shows still active elsewhere but I've put links up here anyway for convenience.

01/01/80 - Adam and the Ants -!tUUUhSAK!Uqk50lvhw...cVKVxF2aS1siZs

22/05/80 - Adam and the Ants -!0BdAWATT!7ZRuZp-YQ...I3oXeu8BZZYE_g

03/07/80 - Angelic Upstarts -!ANNCjIYT!NWrM3rNo3...ezqNlzRw7cGPQk

29/12/78 - Brian James -!dYM3hYhT!RIlhpN9zt...k22Us0XB4kuFaA

05/09/78 - The Damned -!wZdgSKgL!kBO68FjNx...QU2HSsoC9xbkoU

22/12/79 - The Damned -!8dFWSKIA!U4e7_aYhg...M8t4Un0O_tvKM4

27/12/79 - Dexy's -!FFVgVABC!qNQBP2dUN...sEeIyFjhtV2Lfs

17/02/94 - Elastica -!8AUylChB!Fj6ULRgE6...vWa1u0wEWsMaHA

20/12/78 - Generation X -!JYMSmaLQ!03I5y8mJO...4bKjSRXdXE6-ss

10/07/86 - Ghost Dance -!ZEFkkIBK!DQLtwlG37...az7Xo1zi-P6sEY

03/03/84 - Icons Of Filth -!kQVUgIyT!H2SJnbBAl...RJ53Fxw7C6S3GE

26/10/79 - Joy Division -!UZEgCS4L!jUXTlQ4jN...wRBxJ7lQMZCzPw

31/08/79 - Joy Division -!lRdmxKAQ!4eDA4eZcY...oOVtGCa9o6W5dQ

03/05/80 - Martha and the Muffins -!oRUykQ5I!y4vNElChl...qH-_m_A9tWjrRo

27/02/86 - The Mission -!UN9FGAaD!F9U7Ejk8b...kfvfSZaX5S8TVw

07/12/79 - OMD -!xMV2ECCJ!YR1Rakd8J...dWptRX6WXA8SVQ

10/05/80 - The Only Ones -!cVUwgIYY!C_8LGqHzV...MXfVb-7Qhgq2UA

20/10/80 - Ramones -!BJVSyCwa!S8JRWIjyq...NQwFrf0olx-7pQ

09/09/85 - Shop Assisstants -!ZJcgSK4J!IvBMJf3ie...K795bfNUupCOFA

15/08/78 - Sid Vicious -!NdcwxA4D!y4SSyNPdH...eR1s8842EL3LLQ

24/10/07 - Siouxsie Sioux -!JYESmYID!7Kzwy87ro...vLtBixir72LabA

23/05/85 - Skeletal Family -!ZJUA2IwT!D2s5ZAMHX...pXi8LWVjoXBCZs

12/08/83 - Virgin Prunes -!pEVykSab!ZXq8nAQbh...c2EkX21Nw3lp3Y

….please feel free to add to these shows here.

Adam And The Ants - 31-12-79 Electric 79

The Clash - 15-2-80

The Dangermen aka Madness - 18-7-2005 Electric Ballroom 2005

Adam And The Ants - 31-12-79 Electric 79

The Clash - 15-2-80

The Dangermen aka Madness - 18-7-2005 Electric Ballroom 2005

Live from the Electric Ballroom, London

and ANOTHER venue-themed post...this time from the Camden-based Electric Ballroom. Mick Mercer supplied me with one of the Ants shows but I can't mind which...but cheers anyhoo Mick. There's one or two of these shows still active elsewhere but I've put links up here anyway for convenience.

01/01/80 - Adam and the Ants -!tUUUhSAK!Uqk50lvhw...cVKVxF2aS1siZs

22/05/80 - Adam and the Ants -!0BdAWATT!7ZRuZp-YQ...I3oXeu8BZZYE_g

03/07/80 - Angelic Upstarts -!ANNCjIYT!NWrM3rNo3...ezqNlzRw7cGPQk

29/12/78 - Brian James -!dYM3hYhT!RIlhpN9zt...k22Us0XB4kuFaA

05/09/78 - The Damned -!wZdgSKgL!kBO68FjNx...QU2HSsoC9xbkoU

22/12/79 - The Damned -!8dFWSKIA!U4e7_aYhg...M8t4Un0O_tvKM4

27/12/79 - Dexy's -!FFVgVABC!qNQBP2dUN...sEeIyFjhtV2Lfs

17/02/94 - Elastica -!8AUylChB!Fj6ULRgE6...vWa1u0wEWsMaHA

20/12/78 - Generation X -!JYMSmaLQ!03I5y8mJO...4bKjSRXdXE6-ss

10/07/86 - Ghost Dance -!ZEFkkIBK!DQLtwlG37...az7Xo1zi-P6sEY

03/03/84 - Icons Of Filth -!kQVUgIyT!H2SJnbBAl...RJ53Fxw7C6S3GE

26/10/79 - Joy Division -!UZEgCS4L!jUXTlQ4jN...wRBxJ7lQMZCzPw

31/08/79 - Joy Division -!lRdmxKAQ!4eDA4eZcY...oOVtGCa9o6W5dQ

03/05/80 - Martha and the Muffins -!oRUykQ5I!y4vNElChl...qH-_m_A9tWjrRo

27/02/86 - The Mission -!UN9FGAaD!F9U7Ejk8b...kfvfSZaX5S8TVw

07/12/79 - OMD -!xMV2ECCJ!YR1Rakd8J...dWptRX6WXA8SVQ

10/05/80 - The Only Ones -!cVUwgIYY!C_8LGqHzV...MXfVb-7Qhgq2UA

20/10/80 - Ramones -!BJVSyCwa!S8JRWIjyq...NQwFrf0olx-7pQ

09/09/85 - Shop Assisstants -!ZJcgSK4J!IvBMJf3ie...K795bfNUupCOFA

15/08/78 - Sid Vicious -!NdcwxA4D!y4SSyNPdH...eR1s8842EL3LLQ

24/10/07 - Siouxsie Sioux -!JYESmYID!7Kzwy87ro...vLtBixir72LabA

23/05/85 - Skeletal Family -!ZJUA2IwT!D2s5ZAMHX...pXi8LWVjoXBCZs

12/08/83 - Virgin Prunes -!pEVykSab!ZXq8nAQbh...c2EkX21Nw3lp3Y

….please feel free to add to these shows here.

Adam And The Ants - 31-12-79 Electric 79

The Clash - 15-2-80

The Dangermen aka Madness - 18-7-2005 Electric Ballroom 2005

Angelic Upstarts - 1980 NEW LINK

ok, try this....!1IkxTCQR!JqOc2OEVO...Ew9cJEUu-KiuJo

Angelic Upstarts - 1980 NEW LINK

ok, try this....!1IkxTCQR!JqOc2OEVO...Ew9cJEUu-KiuJo

Live @ The Nite Club, Edinburgh

Ok, couple of things...these are the only Nite Club shows I have and the main reason i'm doing this post is...I wouldn't mind a few if you're reading this and you have anything from this Club...please post it/them.
Secondly...The Exploited show is a bootleg [the date was given to me years ago by someone who was allegedly there] was recorded/produced/released behind the band's back. They had nothing to do with it...infact, Wattie sent out a disclaimer urging fans NOT to buy this album.

Bauhaus - 03/09/81 -!tU8nGagJ!d-HdpmgcY...eVS0hZnX5FWwDg

The Exploited - 21/03/81 -!tN9HDIBS!rzUlEDI4J...d7qx9A_C-PMTow

Pauline Murray - 16/05/81 -!BQ91yCba!hkikdgVn4...FEu1y205150sco

Revillos - 01/12/83 -!8dkT3azK!p63GbErU9...F134ijde1K-Xp4

Ruts DC - 06/05/81 -!VQ0jnI6T!rVGAsK0T2...v17u6TgCJNHALo

Thompson Twins - 14/02/81 -!lI9BnABS!dBLUvv2Ns...OR5TNJIx4ZFqwM

The Nite Club was situated at Greenside Place, within the main building of the Playhouse. The door directly to the right of the Playhouse box office led upstairs to the club that hosted many gigs from February 1980 after being converted by the promoters Regular Music.

I was going through my various USBs etc to gather all my Electric Ballroom shows together and found this.....

Red Lorry Yellow Lorry -!ME90WaqB!Xtdzg-0xh...U0ziaJuT8PjIYY
The Nite Club
30th june 84

take it all away
this today
monkeys on juice
he's read
hand on my heart
see the fire

Danielle Dax - 3 Shows - 1985/87

Ok, here's a request for G101 members FrancisFung and MarkR. I posted these about a year ago but those links will be long gone now.

30/09/85 - Camden Palace, London -

bed caves
fortune cheats
evil honky stomp
bad Miss 'M'
up in arms
numb companions
the shamemen
here come the harvest buns
yummer yummer man
sleep has no property
fizzing human bomb
tower of lies
bad Miss 'M' [reprise]

22/10/87 - Jakobshof, Aachen - [this show is in the folder twice] -!EJs11KjI!mfGawxuFC...cGRlAREfMkQzJY

yummer yummer man
where the flies are
up in arms
bed caves
big hollow man
whistling for his love
fizzing human bomb
tower of lies

16/12/87 - The Astoria, Leeds -!kBEXmKiR!A09wgjHwq...6a338VbYy5DBUo

yummer yummer man
where the flies are
up in arms
sleep has no property
big hollow man
numb companions
whistling for his love
fizzing human bomb
tower of lies

Xmal Deutschland - ALL I HAVE - 1983/87

Request for MarkR.
I only saw them twice...first time was The Playhouse, Edinburgh in 1986 [supporting The Stranglers] and again in Edinburgh in 1987 at The Venue [supporting All About Eve]. They played The Nite Club in Edinburgh in 1984...if that was taped and you're reading this and can get hold of it...please post it or contact me.

03/09/83 - De Doelen, Rotterdam -!RcMRHSKR!zEn5l9Ybk...rOTdNFGKDL3oYY

07/04/83 - Clarendon Ballroom, London -!ERUhWAyS!u-B3uRaS6...30xu1EPLuP-pzc

07/07/83 - Clarendon Ballroom, London -!ZFVzEASI!ZT9UTmQSh...ecbvewaFT7jCR0

03/10/84 - Markthalle, Hamburg -!xdN1GCQa!JcXQIH1Gd...caovUvjRsdX9Ho

04/05/85 - Bradford University, England -!gdcl1C6Q!Bz0WLdjm9...5TiJqHhXO6EUOw

13/10/85 - Schlachthof, Bremen -!UVdDCCDY!GvUWqTqsd...t0iom4Fl4QXWFQ

21/09/86 - Croydon Underground, London -!QJdF2I5I!hgaqW1Jw2...jIeE6kE1milpm4

12/03/87 - Portsmouth Polytechnic, England -!JAUxnYaK!a1uDifi7C...QRYLL2bNsaSVgg

16/04/87 - Theaterfabrik, Munich -!wAMRTKaC!l7C7j7g7f...bjWF1EZRZwuaKg

17/03/87 - Leeds University, England -!NYFTkYLQ!MAAztM5Tp...EZGP2qmuIl5sPw

….I've also posted Cologne 1982 on a separate page...that's still active. If anyone has any Xmal shows they can add to this...please do.

Live from the Hammersmith Palais, London

ok, I take back my opening statement from my Whiskey A Go Go post...I think I've got more bootlegs from here than anywhere else. You don't realise until you bring them all together....please feel free to add on to this post...and remember kids...keep it tasteful. I was jumping back and forth with Bauhaus at the Palais came out as a bootleg called 'This Is For When' but has since found it's way on to the deluxe edition of the end I decided to omit it from the list....incase admin send the guys in the long coats round....[The Clash at the Palais 1980 is active on my Decade of The Clash post].

Bauhaus - 01/11/82 -!9MsTAIjK!BmXKbUQk2...eS_vaZzM-PlxNE

Bauhaus - 04/07/83 -!FQVy1ACL!e_4ygSX-J...nLOp2Xd-2MsS4c

Bauhaus - 05/07/83 -!pF10SKZC!dL5Zr0c9r...FCD9e4mAj96vgc

The Beat - 03/10/82 -!1V1lnYyJ!mydU1A2E3...Gy2APGVBZOrGy0

Classix Nouveaux - 15/06/81 -!tcNWCIqY!EgeE-BE8G...iwa7ZjnTQ5imGM

Classix Nouveaux - 01/01/83 -!0BVQHIBA!stRj1WyRR...dzauTpP-zgax5A

The Cramps - 22/06/81 -!MFVUTKzB!4g5nTmaxQ...JMT6V-K6qIG864

The Cult - 03/06/85 -!NBV1ja7a!0xDEeOqME...3HU2cAG00YfhE4

The Cult - 24/11/85 -!9VdRGIyY!0vevgGOpW...xtA02aK8yHXHXY

The Cure - 31/12/81 -!9d1nxSrD!zOprE82SB...CLi8C2_iQUllf0

The Damned - 03/03/81 -!9Z8gRALD!wkMgmctmo...X8ps8CrYMUjEL8

The Damned - 11/09/83 -!NRknjQrb!fR7l0oghA...ERXVTLw0AiWp_4

The Damned - 17/06/85 -!1Y10XKwZ!L5Us1j6FL...xeNndsl9nfaGvU

The Damned - 09/11/86 -!ZN9FnQBD!yYNZcbPAL...91EL1k_yX2Adjk

Ghost Dance - 21/12/86 -!wVlXlSjb!HuOGouQIN...nBEkfMY6EWM75o

Killing Joke - 01/01/84 -!oYFziYAR!vwXr8azpj...nZOxh4fSJ_q06w

Killing Joke - 28/09/86 -!hJFXgaqK!q1U-4eZeu...jYiyR5kepaZNyQ

Madness - 19/12/81 -!lEEQTQ5A!jAuI8kyf0...vT_WjUg-NhyY9A

Ramones - 05/05/86 -!9cl0maLT!KCy_tlKtS...UlPznUVtW4N1ps

Siouxsie and the Banshees - 30/12/80 -!AdUWmSaD!x8eY4E3j5...acw16QwBoTUSgw

Siouxsie and the Banshees - 28/11/82 -!ccFkiA5C!URMuwFDF5...zjXN5oEN4sevqg

Siouxsie and the Banshees - 25/06/84 -!9Asl1Q7D!bc_AsqPej...xFM6rIi7-l9TS0

Soft Cell - 10/01/84 -!xUEAUKiJ!mltR8R3L8...tijFbXqdisQeXU

The Stranglers - 17/11/81 -!gRU2UKqb!b2UgvxoCB...lCbqDJN2dx6Xfc

U2 - 09/06/81 -!BJ8gTCSJ!S7vgKi3eY...d4yoAGgjJSM0hE

U2 - 12/06/82 -!RJkmyQrA!a90HRRTR9...oGrrHDpi7pL2ys

….hopefully there's something in there for most of you. I may have posted some of these before but those links will be long dead.

***weren't The Fall the last band to play the venue?

The Clash - 17-6-1980!aMdiwSDA!5ZFiPExZF...lud3JLqLQEE6DA

The Meteors - 22-6-1981!iRsnQQyL!beohcHiov...qNWDR0zFTG7Rnk

The Jam - 14-12-1981!uEFUHSyZ!LQdCR6IoJ...Z2hehTbv4ojO3k

The Jam - 15-12-1981!7c0BHYZA!_xDgNMqq-...lbRXezCGzuSfBU

Nick Lowe- 15-3-1982!7dFmFI4J!1xOWs3ych...iU8e2dZ50I1svc

The Smiths - 12-3-1984!2ZtV3YQR!BcBFz3ztF...Iu_An5-hDfCICM

Xmal Deutschand - Cologne - 1982

Nice early one from the German Goths....

Xmal Deutschland
Alte Schokoladenfabrik Stollwerck
6th june 82!UNVjFYaS!5tQjh8YNn...2TxrWc-dQ0q_5o

incubus succubus
alle in
mein Kopf, mein radio
zu jung zu alt
blut ist liebe

Devo 3 from the 70's - early/late shows -

Ye gotta love 'em eh...from Ohio (c) 1973. A mate way back in the distant past let me hear their first album...i'd never heard Devo before, yet on seeing the cover, the record sounded pretty much how I expected it to sound...I know that probably sounds a bit 'made up' but that's how it was....and I was hooked immediately. They stopped touring in 1982 but returned in 1988 and released an absolutely stunning live album, recorded at The Palace, LA...if you haven't heard it...stop what you're doing and seek it out. In the meantime enjoy these...

19/05/77 - Pirate's Cove, Cleveland, OH -!EFUXzSLS!--kbXhBjz...rWBAYuL21--e74
[early set]
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy

[late set]
space junk
timing x
soo bawlz
last time I saw st louis
come back jonee

17/12/77 - Max's Kansas City, New York -!VUFBEA6L!xTO9L8NOw...imVdGunL-W9IaI
[early set]
the truth about devolution
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy
come back jonee

[late set]
timing x
soo bawlz
pink pussycat
space junk
gut feeling
slap your mammy
wiggly world

24/10/78 - El Casino, Montreal -!odEhgCrY!m-SVU0zGu...yXhVSq4vjYBopc
[early set]
wiggly world
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
come back jonee
gut feeling
slap your mammy
devo corporate anthem

[late set]
I had this set but it was a total 'hatchet job'...songs missing, songs cutting in and the tape started going all slow/ I binned it. If anyone does have a decent copy of this set, maybe you could post it.


On 24th June 2013, drummer Alan Myers sadly lost his battle with stomach cancer and sadly passed away, he was 58.

On the 17th February 2014, multi instrumentalist Bob Casale sadly died of heart failure, he was 61.


Devo are still performing live today.

Devo 3 from the 70's - early/late shows -

Ye gotta love 'em eh...from Ohio (c) 1973. A mate way back in the distant past let me hear their first album...i'd never heard Devo before, yet on seeing the cover, the record sounded pretty much how I expected it to sound...I know that probably sounds a bit 'made up' but that's how it was....and I was hooked immediately. They stopped touring in 1982 but returned in 1988 and released an absolutely stunning live album, recorded at The Palace, LA...if you haven't heard it...stop what you're doing and seek it out. In the meantime enjoy these...

19/05/77 - Pirate's Cove, Cleveland, OH -!EFUXzSLS!--kbXhBjz...rWBAYuL21--e74
[early set]
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy

[late set]
space junk
timing x
soo bawlz
last time I saw st louis
come back jonee

17/12/77 - Max's Kansas City, New York -!VUFBEA6L!xTO9L8NOw...imVdGunL-W9IaI
[early set]
the truth about devolution
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy
come back jonee

[late set]
timing x
soo bawlz
pink pussycat
space junk
gut feeling
slap your mammy
wiggly world

24/10/78 - El Casino, Montreal -!odEhgCrY!m-SVU0zGu...yXhVSq4vjYBopc
[early set]
wiggly world
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
come back jonee
gut feeling
slap your mammy
devo corporate anthem

[late set]
I had this set but it was a total 'hatchet job'...songs missing, songs cutting in and the tape started going all slow/ I binned it. If anyone does have a decent copy of this set, maybe you could post it.


On 24th June 2013, drummer Alan Myers sadly lost his battle with stomach cancer and sadly passed away, he was 58.

On the 17th February 2014, multi instrumentalist Bob Casale sadly died of heart failure, he was 61.


Devo are still performing live today.

Devo 3 from the 70's - early/late shows -

Ye gotta love 'em eh...from Ohio (c) 1973. A mate way back in the distant past let me hear their first album...i'd never heard Devo before, yet on seeing the cover, the record sounded pretty much how I expected it to sound...I know that probably sounds a bit 'made up' but that's how it was....and I was hooked immediately. They stopped touring in 1982 but returned in 1988 and released an absolutely stunning live album, recorded at The Palace, LA...if you haven't heard it...stop what you're doing and seek it out. In the meantime enjoy these...

19/05/77 - Pirate's Cove, Cleveland, OH -!EFUXzSLS!--kbXhBjz...rWBAYuL21--e74
[early set]
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy

[late set]
space junk
timing x
soo bawlz
last time I saw st louis
come back jonee

17/12/77 - Max's Kansas City, New York -!VUFBEA6L!xTO9L8NOw...imVdGunL-W9IaI
[early set]
the truth about devolution
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
gut feeling
slap your mammy
come back jonee

[late set]
timing x
soo bawlz
pink pussycat
space junk
gut feeling
slap your mammy
wiggly world

24/10/78 - El Casino, Montreal -!odEhgCrY!m-SVU0zGu...yXhVSq4vjYBopc
[early set]
wiggly world
pink pussycat
too much paranoias
praying hands
uncontrollable urge
jocko homo
smart patrol
mr DNA
come back jonee
gut feeling
slap your mammy
devo corporate anthem

[late set]
I had this set but it was a total 'hatchet job'...songs missing, songs cutting in and the tape started going all slow/ I binned it. If anyone does have a decent copy of this set, maybe you could post it.


On 24th June 2013, drummer Alan Myers sadly lost his battle with stomach cancer and sadly passed away, he was 58.

On the 17th February 2014, multi instrumentalist Bob Casale sadly died of heart failure, he was 61.


Devo are still performing live today.

The Clash


Adam and the Ants


madphil is offline 

Motorhead 4/1/79:!FBp2HCTT!cn7y9GqWu...UE4QXVOtqWNiV0

here's one I missed on a usb…..

Killing Joke
Lyceum Ballroom
27th july 81!dR8wlI7D!Np01JYkAW...Ha755rLCGcEwSY

follow the leaders
fall of because
the wait
turn to red
here's one I missed on a usb…..

Killing Joke
Lyceum Ballroom
27th july 81!dR8wlI7D!Np01JYkAW...Ha755rLCGcEwSY

follow the leaders
fall of because
the wait
turn to red

here's one I missed on a usb…..

Killing Joke
Lyceum Ballroom
27th july 81!dR8wlI7D!Np01JYkAW...Ha755rLCGcEwSY

follow the leaders
fall of because
the wait
turn to red

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