jeudi 27 septembre 2018

deus collections 1993 a 2014 big cool trips renecent big bizzzzous fredlove21


Banda belga de música experimental, alternativa e indie.

1993 - Zea (CDS) [Bang! 20505]: Download

1994 - Suds & Soda (CDS) [Bang! 20503]: Download

1994 - Via (CDS) [Bang! 20505]: Download

1994 - Worst Case Scenario [2009, Rem., 532 1630]: Download

1994 - Worst Case Scenario [CID 8028⁄524 045-2]: Download

1995 - Hotellounge (Be The Death Of Me) (CDS) [CIDX 603⁄854190-2]: Download

1995 - My Sister Is My Clock (EP) [IMCD 8031⁄524 086-2]: Download

1996 - In A Bar, Under The Sea [CID 8052⁄524 296-2]: Download

1996 - Little Arithmetics (CDS) [CID 643⁄854 719-2]: Download

1996 - Roses (CDS) [CID 645⁄854 726-2]: Download

1996 - Roses (EP) [CIDX 645⁄854 899-2]: Download

1996 - Theme From Turnpike (CDS) [Bang! 20525]: Download

1997 - Fell Off The Floor, Man (CDS) [Bang! 20535]: Download

1997 - Little Arithmetics (EP) [CID 663⁄572 049-2]: Download

1999 - Instant Street (CDS) [CID 742⁄572 553-2]: Download

1999 - Instant Street (CDS) [CIDX 742⁄572 555-2]: Download

1999 - The Ideal Crash (EP) [CID 760⁄562 499-2]: Download

1999 - The Ideal Crash [CID 8082⁄524 643-2]: Download

1999 - Titres Inédits (CDS) [9141]: Download

1999 - Untitled (EP) [none]: Download

2001 - No More Loud Music (The Singles) [586 637-2]: Download

2005 - 7 Days, 7 Weeks (CDS) [VVR5035523]: Download

2005 - Pocket Revolution [2006, 171 895-2]: Download

2006 - Sun Ra (10'') [VVR5040440P]: Download

2006 - What We Talk About (When We Talk About Love) (EP) [9853865]: Download

2008 - Vantage Point [1765643]: Download

2011 - Keep You Close (CDS) [none]: Download

2011 - Keep You Close [PIASR510CD]: Download

2012 - Following Sea [PIASR560CD]: Download

2014 - Selected Songs 1994-2014 [PIASR7402CDX]: Download

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